Vineyards Press

Vineyards Press has been publishing books about music and heart since 2003.
Our editor, Bill Amatneek, has been published in Down Beat, Rolling Stone, Yoga Journal, Storytelling Magazine, Bluegrass Unlimited, Bluegrass Breakdown, Bass World, Musician, Fine Books & Collections, and anthologized in Encounters with Bob Dylan: If You See Him Say Hello.
His book, Acoustic Stories: Pickin’ for the Prez and other Unamplified Tales, was a Foreword Reviews 2013 silver Book of the Year Award winner in Performing Arts and Music. His 2003 collection, Acoustic Stories: Playing Bass with Peter, Paul & Mary, Jerry Garcia, and Bill Monroe, won the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association award for Best Music Book. In 2021 Vineyards Press published Heart of a Man, an anthology of men’s writings with works by Philip Roth, John Updike, Michael Chabon, Julius Lester, Andre Dubus III, and 36 others.
He has picked banjo with Frank Wakefield and Vern & Ray, and bass with the Peter, Paul & Mary, Full Faith & Credit Big Band, Peter Rowan and Bill Monroe, the Greenbriar Boys, Roland White, Keith Little & Jim Nunnally, Kate Wolf, Standing Room Only, Beach Blanket Babylon, Mimi Fariña, the Walt Tolleson Organization, Bill Keith and the Bicentennial Bluegrass Band, a.k.a. “The Keith Unit,” Rowan & Rice, the DGQ, and Eric Bibb.
Most recently, he has been heard playing bass with Charlie Garzoli’s 17-piece rehearsal band, Jump House, and Doug Adamz’ 4-piece belly dance band, Light Rain.